FA Committees
FA Bargaining Team (2023-2024 committee will be dissolved at the time of CA contract is completed and signed) | Geneviève Boulet, Lead Negotiator Currently on Sabbatical Tammy Findlay Currently on Sabbatical Germaine Chan Currently on Sabbatical Kelly Resmer Diane Piccitto |
FA Communications Committee | Nathaniel Street 2024-25 (Chair) Conor Barker 2024-25 Matthew Roby 2024-25 Fernando Nunes 2024-25 Alina Ruiz 2024-25 |
FA Equity Action Committee – open/no limit, no set term | Kelly Resmer (GO) 2024-25 Patricia Williams (ex officio from Executive Committee) 2024-25 Michael Lin 2024-25 Krista Collier-Jarvis 2024-25 Johan Woodworth 2024-25 Brooke Richardson 2024-25 Gerald Tembrevilla 2024-25 David Awde 2024-25 Bernadette Russo 2024-25 (Chair) Fred French 2024-25 Ian Reilly 2024-26 (MSVU EDIA Rep) Amna Mirza (MSVU EEC Rep ex officio) 2023-26 |
Grievance Officer | Kelly Resmer 2024-25 |
FA Investment Committee | Danny Wadden 2024-25 Adrian Downey 2024-25 Rhonda Bursey (ex officio & chair) 2024-25 |
FA Nominations Committee | Maria Matthews (Chair) 2024-25 Nick Deal 2024-25 Nicole Slipp 2024-25 Susie Brigham (ex officio past-president currently on sabbatical) 2024-25 |
FA Social Committee | Lori Borgal 2024-25 (Chair) Jillian Ruhl 2024-25 Fred French 2024-25 Alina Ruiz 2024-25 Ian Liujia Tian 2024-25 Will Shead 2024-25 Rebeca Heriger 2024-25 Jeannie Larson 2024-25 Conor Barker (ex officio) 2024-25 |
FA Research & Scholarship Committee | Jessie-Lee McIsaac (Chair) on sabbatical until 31 Dec 2024. Lori Borgal (co-chair until Dec 2024) Michelle Eskritt Janice Keefe (co-chair until Dec 2024) Lindsey MacCallum Tamara Franz-Odendaal Stefon Van Noordt Kyly Whitefield Jen Khoury Nicholous Deal Irene Ogada |
FA Job Action Reflection Committee | Conor Barker (Chair) Angela Birt Lori Borgal Nicholous Deal Shannan Grant Jeff MacLeod Brooke Richardson |
ANSUT Council Representative Association of Nova Scotia University Teachers | Susie Brigham 2024-25 (currently on sabbatical) Shannan Grant 2024-25 |
CAUT Defence Fund Trustee Canadian Association of University Teachers | Stan Orlov 2023-25 |
HDDLC Representatives Halifax-Dartmouth District Labour Council | Bernadette Russo 2024-25 Kelly Resmer 2024-25 Krista Collier-Jarvis (Mayworks Rep) 2024-25 |
NSFL Human Rights/Anti-Racism Nova Scotia Federation of Labour | Contact NSFL |
MSVU Accessibility Advisory Committee (2-year term) | Johan Woodworth 2024-26 |
MSVU Benefit Users Committee (3-year terms) Terms of Reference | Kelly Resmer 2022-25 Rhonda Bursey 2024-27 |
MSVU Board of Governors* | Tianyuan Yu 2024-25 (FA President, pro tem) Deborah Norris 2024-25 Amy Thurlow 2024-25 |
MSVU Budget Committee (3-year terms) Terms of Reference | Peter Mombourquette 2023- 26 Rhonda Bursey 2024-27 |
MSVU EDIA Committee (2-year term) | Fred French (FA Rep) 2024-26 Ian Reilly (FA EAC Rep) 2024-26 |
MSVU Employment Equity Committee (3-year term)* Terms of Reference | Amna Mirza 2023-26 |
MSVU Harassment & Discrimination Committee (2-year term)* Terms of Reference | Nick Deal 2024-26 |
MSVU Joint Occupational Health & Safety Committee (2-year terms) Terms of Reference | Bohdan Luhovyy Jan 2025-Jan 2027 Deanna Struthers 2023-25 |
MSVU L’nu Advisory Circle | Krista Collier-Jarvis (FA appointment) 2024-26 |
MSVU Pension Governance Board (3-year terms) Terms of Reference Education Committee Terms of Reference Investment Committee Delegation Document – Retirement Plan for Employees | Fred French 2023-2026 Peter Mombourquette 2022-25 Robert Farmer 2022-25 |
MSVU Retention Committee Terms of Reference | Alina Ruiz 2024-25 Ellen Shaffner 2024-25 |
MSVU Wellness Committee Terms of Reference | Phillip Joy 2024-25 |