2022 Trivia Night

Attendees in person + a few online!

Will, the man behind the Trivia!

Throughout the year the Faculty Association holds events for members.
The Social Committee plans a Spring Event off Campus. Past events have been dances at the Italian Centre or axe throwing at a local bar.
In early April, the FA holds its AGM that includes a luncheon prior to the meeting.
The Pride Parade in July is very popular. The FA is heavily involved in making the event fun for members and their families.

September starts the new academic year off with the Darrell MacLean – All Union Lunch where all the unions on campus are invited to come together and share a meal.
The December holiday luncheon is a festive event where everyone share a turkey dinner. A general meeting follows this event.
Throughout the year, the Social Committee plans Social Mixers where a member can often grab a slice of pizza and have a drink while relaxing and chatting with fellow colleagues. Often campus walks preceed the socials.
Each General Meeting includes refreshments. Casual conversation often continues long after the meeting has concluded. All FA social events are also open to retirees and post docs.