The following letters of support come from Faculty Associations and Union Locals across the country. We thank you for your support and solidarity!
“On behalf of the executive of the Nipissing University Faculty Association, please accept this donation as our support for your labour action with our apologies for its lateness. We were so pleased to hear that you were able to negotiate a deal for your members, and we hope your bargaining team and executive have been able to get some well deserved rest. In Solidarity.”
“On behalf of the 9000 members of the Nova Scotia Nurses’ Union, we wish to congratulate you on the recent ratification of your collective agreement. It was my intent to participate in your picket, however personal and work-related matters kept me from joining your efforts. That said, the NSNU would like to contribute to your strike fund.”
-Janet Hazelton, President, Nova Scotia Nurses’ Union.
“Dear Susie, Geneviève, Lindsey, and all members of the Mount Saint Vincent Faculty Association. Please accept this donation as a small expression of our, University of Manitoba Faculty Association, unwavering support for your strike. UMFA’s 1,340 professors, instructors and librarians continue to stand with you every step of the way, in your crusade to secure EDI improvements and protections, which ultimately will improve the learning conditions of and for your students. In steadfast solidarity, for as long as it takes.”
“Dear Dr. Brigham, TUFA’s Executive Committee has authorized a second solidarity contribution in support of your struggle for fair pay and working conditions. In solidarity.”
-Trent University Faculty Association
“Dear Comrades, Attached please find another donation from MAFA. Even though you brought the strike to a successful conclusion, we know from experience that you will still need resources. In solidarity.”
-Mount Allison Faculty Association
“Dear Dr. Brigham: We are sending along an additional donation to assist you in your continued strike efforts. This amount to be used at your discretion in support of Mount Saint Vincent university Faculty Association’s members and strike activities. In solidarity.”
-Faculty Association, The University of Calgary
“Dear Dr. Brigham, “Queen’s University Faculty Association (QUFA) stands in solidarity with our colleagues at MSVU Faculty Association and their fight to secure a fair and reasonable compensation package for their members.”
“L’Association des professeurs, professeures et bibliothécaires de l’Université Sainte-Anne (APPBUSA) would like to support your strike efforts with this small donation. As a small union who has recently been part of a strike, we understand the need for financial support. We wish you the best of luck.”
“Colleagues, I would like to express our strong support for MSVUFA’s strike action against the university administation. The Brock University Faculty Association is sending you a donation to help with your efforts, with more financial contributions to come if the strike continues.”
“Dear Susie, On behalf of the University of Saskatchewan Faculty Association (USFA), let me convey to you a message of support. The decision to take job action is a difficult one. We acknowledge that, and applaud your courage and the courage of your members in voting in favour of taking this step. In addition to our original donation, we are pleased to assist you in your continued efforts to obtain a fair and appropriate contract settlement.”
“Dear MSVUFA, On behalf of the St. Jerome’s University Academic Staff Association, that represents both full-time and part-time members, we are pleased to enclose a donation to MSVUFA in support of your recent strike action by your association. We stand with you in your quest for fair and reasonable compensation and a flexible and responsive workplace. We send our best wishes for a short strike. In solidarity.”
“Colleagues, I would like to express our strong support for MSVUFA’s strike action against the university administration. The Brock University Faculty Association helps you with your efforts with more financial contributions to come if the strike continues.“
“On behalf of the Faculty Association at St. Thomas University, we support the Mount Saint Vincent University Faculty Assocation’s efforts to obtain a fairly negotiated collective agreement.”
“Dear Susie, Lindsey, Stan and all members of the MSVUFA. It was an honour to walk with you last week on your picket lines and I wish I was able to be there again this week. All 1,340 members of the University of Manitoba Faculty Association (UMFA) continue to stand in solidarity with your and we’ll continue to do so for as long as it takes for you to make meaningful EDI advances. With you every step of the way. In solidarity – Orvie Dingwall, UMFA President”
“On behalf of the University of Manitoba Faculty Association’s 1,340 professors, instructors, and librarians, we continue our unwavering support for our colleagues in the Mount Saint Vincent University Faculty Association who are on strike. We will continue to send donations each week, for as long as it takes, because your fight is our fight, and we are all in this together. In solidarity.”
“The Cape Breton University Faculty Association continues to stand in solidarity with our colleagues in the Mount Saint Vincent University Faculty Association.”
“In Solidarity with our colleagues in the Mount Saint Vincent University Faculty Association (MSVUFA), the Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations (OCUFA) is in support of MSVUFA’s collective efforts for a fair collective agreement.”
“On behalf of the Federation of Post Secondary Educators (FPSE), the FPSE Presidents’ Council and our members across British Columbia are in support of the strike / job action that members of Mount Saint Vincent University Faculty Association (MSVUFA) will be undertaking.”
“The Memorial University of Newfoundland Faculty Association continues to stand in solidarity with MSVUFA. We will be sending donations each week, for as long as the strike continues.”
“The Acadia University Faculty Association stands in solidarity with Mount Saint Vincent University Faculty Association in their labour action, now in its third week. We pledge to continue financial support until the strike ends.”
“The Ontario College of Art & Design University Faculty Association stands in solidarity with the Mount Saint Vincent University Faculty Association and supports faculty members in their strike action.”
“McMaster University Faculty Association supports MSVUFA in your efforts to achieve a fair collective agreement that recognizes the value of diverse scholarly and professional labour.”
“The University of Toronto Faculty Association continues to stand in solidarity with striking colleagues in the Mount Saint Vincent University Faculty Association with an additional contribution.”
“Dear President Dr. Susan Brigham: On behalf of 1700 faculty, librarian and archivist members, the University of Western Ontario Faculty Association expresses our full solidarity with the colleagues of the MSVU Faculty Association who are currently on strike at Mount Saint Vincent University. The bargaining goals of the striking union are reasonable, realistic and necessary: advancement to equity, diversity, inclusion, and accessibility (EDIA) efforts, enhanced support for academic and professional duties, and fair remuneration for all. Our members, like faculty at other universities, are familiar with the needed improvements which the MSVU Faculty Association seeks, which will create professional working conditions required to ensure the quality delivery of education that all students deserve. As a concrete show of solidarity with our striking colleagues, our union will supply further support as needed if the strike continues.“
“The Lakehead University Faculty Association sends their support and hopes you will be able to reach a quick and equitable settlement. In Solidarity.“
“Dear MSVU Faculty Association Members: We [Concordia University of Edmonton Faculty Association], stand with you during your work action.We appreciated your support during our own strike in 2022 and hope that this return of support will be equally useful to you.”
“Dear Dr. Brigham: Queen’s University Faculty Association (QUFA) stands in solidarity with our colleagues at MSVU Faculty Association and their fight to secure a fair and reasonable compensation package for their members. QUFA will contribute to the strike fund today and will add another [amount] if the strike continues.”
“As President of the Nova Scotia Federation of Labour, I want to express our unwavering support to the MSVUFA as you stand strong on the picket line, fighting for a fair collective agreement and against injustice. Your solidarity inspires us, and we stand with you, extending our support from our 70,000 members across the province as you exercise your right to job action. Improving working conditions is crucial, not just for you but for the students whose learning conditions are impacted, and we fully endorse your efforts in this regard.“
“The Lecturers’ Union of Memorial University stands in solidarity with our colleagues at Mount Saint Vincent University Faculty Association and are happy to support your strike efforts. We hope for a swift resolution.”
“Best of luck!!! [from the Faculty Association of Grant MacEwan Univeristy]”
“The St. Francis Xavier University Faculty Association continues to support the MSVUFA in their battle to achieve a fair and equitable collective agreement with the Employer. [We] support your fight. Stay strong! In solidarity.“
“SMUFU are in support and solidarity for their labour action [with continual financial support]. We stand with all of our colleagues at MSVUFA and hope they are able to secure the respectful, responsible and equitable deal that they deserve. In solidarity.”
“Dear Dr. Brigham: On behalf of the executive of the Nipissing University Faculty Association, we are in support of your labour action. We salute your efforts to advance decolonization and diversity, equity, and inclusion through collective bargaining. Your fight is truly the fight of us all. In solidarity.“
“Good day Mount Saint Vincent University Faculty Association. We send our solidarity and support to you in your first week of your strike and support you with your fight for a fair and just contract.“
-NOSMUF&SA (Ontario Public Service Employees Union Local 677)
“Trent University Faculty Association is in support of your struggle for fair pay and working conditions.”
“The University of Regina Faculty Association (URFA) stands in solidarity with our colleagues at Mount Saint Vincent University Faculty Association. We hope for a swift resolution!“
“All best wishes for a speedy and equitable resolution at the bargaining table! – St. Mary’s University – Calgary“
“Our thoughts are with you. In Solidarity, Brandon University FA“
“Cape Breton University Faculty Association (CBUFA) congratulates you for standing firm against the demands of the employer. We know how important it is to have the support of faculty associations across Canada.“
“The Concordia University Faculty Association stands in solidarity with the Mount Saint Vincent University Faculty Association supports faculty members in their strike action.“
“The University of Northern British Columbia Faculty Association stands in solidarity with our Mount Saint Vincent University colleagues and hope they attain a successful collective agreement in the near future.”
“Lakehead University Faculty Association
stands in solidarity with Mount Saint Vincent University colleagues. We hope for a speedy and successful negotiation.“
“Dear Susie Brigham: I am writing on behalf of the Huron University College Faculty Association to express our solidarity with you and your colleagues in the Mount Saint Vincent University Faculty Association as you begin your strike. We support your work to improve how your Collective Agreement addresses equity, diversity, inclusion, and accessibility. We are alarmed at how recalcitrant your Employer has been at the bargaining table and we hope that through your strike, they will become more serious about reaching a fair and equitable settlement. Strikes are never pleasant. Though we are a small faculty association at a small Liberal Arts college, we hope that this letter will signal our support and appreciation for the work you are doing to ensure your members are fairly compensated and that our sector continues the longstanding tradition of universities as a third space in a society, beyond the reach of narrow political and corporate interests. Your efforts to use your Collective Agreement to help make Mount Saint Vincent a more equitable, diverse, accessible, and inclusive campus are an effective way to do this. Though we are far away. HUCFA stands in solidarity with you.“
“The Simon Fraser University Faculty Association stands in solidarity with our colleagues at MSVUFA in their strike action and wish you the best.“
“The Lecturers’ Union of Memorial University of Newfoundland stands in solidarity with colleagues in the MSVU Faculty Association.”
“Cape Breton University Faculty Association (CBUFA) sends its support and stands in solidarity with colleagues from Mount Saint Vincent University Faculty Association (MSVUFA) and one of our CBUFA members is making arrangements to join you on the picket line this week!“
“The Laurentian University Faculty Association (LUFA) is proud to stand with our colleagues at MSVUFA.“
“The Carleton University Academic Staff Association (CUASA) stands in solidarity with our colleagues from Mount Saint Vincent University Faculty Association (MSVUFA). We hope for a swift conclusion and positive result for them.“
“Colleagues: Members of the BCIT Faculty and Staff Association are pleased to support MSVUFA in their fight for a fair deal. We stand with you and are in support of your strike.“
-BC Institute of Technology FSA
“Colleagues at the Windsor University Faculty Association stand in solidarity with the MSVU Faculty Association [and] support MSVUFA’s strike action and efforts to obtain a fair collective agreement.“
“The St. Francis Xavier University Faculty Association supports the MSVUFA in their continuing battle to achieve a fair and equitable collective agreement with the Employer.“
“Dear Colleagues: We stand with you in your fight for a fair collective agreement.“
-Faculty Union of the NS College of Art & Design
“To professors, [lab] instructors and librarians, we extend our sincere most solidarity as you exercise your right to job action. We support your efforts to improve working conditions and your students’ learning conditions.“
-University of Manitoba FA
“Dear Susie: Let me convey to you a message of support. The decision to take job action is a difficult one. We acknowledge that and applaud your courage and the courage of your members in voting in favour of taking this step.“
-University of Saskatchewan FA
“Dear MSVUFA: Members of ASTFA stand in solidarity with the MSVUFA during your strike [and] stand in solidarity with you, as you strike to achieve gains in contract language on Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Accessibility as well as more equitable salaries.“
-Atlantic School of Theology FA
“Brandon University Faculty Association (BUFA) stands in solidarity with colleagues from Mount Saint Vincent University Faculty Association (MSVUFA). We hope for a swift conclusion and positive result for them.“
-Brandon University FA
“The Grant MacEwan University Faculty Association supports our colleagues at the MSVUFA. We wish you the best in reaching a favourable resolution.”
-Grant MacEwan University FA
“The MRFA stands in solidarity with our colleagues at MSVU Faculty Association who are going on strike today.”
-Mount Royal FA
“The University of Toronto Faculty Association stands in solidarity with our colleagues in the MSVU Faculty Association as their strike begins.“
-University of Toronto FA
“In support of our comrades at the MSVU Faculty Association who took to the picket lines at noon today. It is time for us to end once and for all the administrative tactic of delay and make the improvements that are necessary in our institutions. You can count on a good turnout this Friday in solidarity with your efforts!“
-Mount Allison University FA
“Dear CAUT Colleagues: In support of our colleagues at MSVU Faculty Association who hit the picket lines at noon today, should the strike, unfortunately, continue until the end of week, I will be there personally to show AASUA’s support for MSVUFA’s fight for their working conditions and their students’ learning conditions!“
-Association of Academic Staff University of Alberta
“The Faculty Association of the University of Calgary stands in solidarity with the MSVU Faculty Association.”
-The Faculty Association of the University of Calgary
“The Memorial University of Newfoundland Faculty Association stands in solidarity with colleagues in the MSVU Faculty Association.”
-Memorial University of Newfoundland
“The University of Western Ontario Faculty Association stands in solidarity with our colleagues in the MSVU Faculty Association as their strike begins.“
-University of Western Ontario FA
“The Brock University Faculty Association stands in solidarity with our colleagues at MSVU Faculty Association“
-Brock University FA
“The Acadia University Faculty Association stands in solidarity with MSVUFA as they begin their strike today.“
-Acadia University FA
“In Solidarity with our colleagues in the Mount Saint Vincent University Faculty Association (MSVUFA) [and are] in support of their collective efforts for a fair collective agreement.”
-Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations
“In support of our colleagues in the Mount Saint Vincent University Faculty Association (MSVUFA), WLUFA assists them in achieving an equitable and just collective agreement.”
-Wilfred Laurier University FA
“In solidarity with our colleagues in the Mount Saint Vincent University Faculty Association (MSVUFA), QUFA is in support of their collective efforts for a fair collective agreement.”
-Queen’s University FA
“Dear Colleagues: The Association of Professors of Bishop’s University is proud to stand with the MSVUFA.”
-Association of Professors Bishops University
“On behalf of the University of Manitoba Faculty Association’s 1,330 professors, instructors, and librarians we extend our solidarity to members of the Mount Saint Vincent Faculty Association. We support your efforts to improve your working conditions and the learning conditions of your students and our members will join your picket lines on Friday.”
“The Royal Roads University Faculty Association (RRUFA) sends its support to and solidarity with the Mount Saint Vincent University Faculty Association: from a coastal community on the Pacific to a coastal community on the Atlantic. We will be providing flying pickets who will join the picket line on Friday. Keep strong, President Susan and all the MSVUFA members!”
“Greetings from Fredericton , N. B: The Faculty Association of the University of St. Thomas supports the Mount Saint Vincent University Faculty Association’s efforts to obtain a fairly negotiated collective agreement.“
“York University Faculty Association (YUFA) stands in solidarity with colleagues from Mount Saint Vincent University Faculty Association (MSVUFA). We at YUFA hope for a swift conclusion and positive result for them.”
“Bonjour: Le Syndicat général des professeures et professeurs de l’Université de Montréal (SGPPUM) exprime sa solidarité aux collègues de la MSVFA.”
“Hello all: In support of our colleagues in the Mount Saint Vincent University Faculty Association, the McMaster University Academic Librarians’ Association (MUALA) [are supporting] MSVUFA’s efforts to achieve an equitable collective agreement. In solidarity.“
The Canadian Military Colleges Faculty Association stands in solidarity with our colleagues of the MSVUFA and we are providing support for their strike efforts.
“Bonjour. En soutien aux collègues de l’Association des professeurs de l’Université Mount Saint Vincent (MSVUFA), l’Association des professeures et professeurs de l’Université de Moncton, Campus d’Edmundston (APPUMCE) accorde pour soutenir le fonds de grève.“
“On behalf of the Saint Mary’s University Faculty Union (SMUFU), I want to inform CAUT and all members that we are in support of our colleagues of the Mount Saint Vincent University Faculty Association. We stand in solidarity as you strike for fair wages, social justice and the working and learning conditions you all deserve.”